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National Catholic Register

With so much disinformation circulating in the mainstream media, I trust National Catholic Register to provide an honest, balanced viewpoint of issues important to us as a Catholic family.  You can sign up for a free trial of 6 issues here:  https://www.ncregister.com/subscription/free-trial?KEY=921MHFR

Latest Blog


What are the anchors of your day? I started thinking of certain prayers/family rituals as anchors because I wanted them to sink into the rhythm of our day. Seasons come and go, and schedules change as our family adapts to this season’s current priorities. Lent provided us with a wonderful opportunity not only for individual transformation, [...]

March 30, 2025

Custom Handmade Wooden Swords

by Noah Scalzo

These swords make beautiful gifts!



Treasure Box

Holy Habits





Daily Mass on Relevant Radio

Livestream 10am PST/12pm CST/ 1pmEST on Relevant Radio

Building Holy Families One Day at a Time

I am wife to an amazing husband, mother to 3 wonderful boys, and every day I am so grateful for the gift of life!  While I have been blessed with a wide variety of work/educational experiences, ranging from investment banking on Wall Street, to graduating from Yale Law School (see Storming the Court by Brandt Goldstein (Veronique Sanchez is my maiden name)), advocating for legal-aid clients, brief-writing for the Supreme Court, and serving as general counsel/compliance officer for my husband’s investment advisory firm, I have found the most joy and greatest fulfillment from home-educating my boys!  I want to share the blessings of homeschooling and hopefully encourage you to see the beauty of your family’s journey and to strive to become beacons of holiness through the small barefoot moments of each day.

Veronique’s Blog

The Easy Way to Holiness

Recently, I have focused on exhorting my children that undertaking such and such an act — ranging from a menial chore like putting away washed dishes on the drying rack, or [...]

Let Go and Let God

It is a hard thing to let go sometimes.  I find it hard to let go of souvenirs — perhaps because my memory is so poor for events of distant past [...]


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